About Us

Daniel Seemungal-Owen, Managing Director

Established In 1986

Penny Owen, Founder

Pedagogy And Curriculum
At Christopher Robin, our curriculum is built around offering your child a playful, nurturing and supportive learning environment that mirrors their interests and captures their fascinations. We always start with what your child knows and what they can do and build on this foundation to develop an individual learning experience that enhances all aspects of their development.
Our pedagogy, the way we teach and plan learning experiences, is built around our knowledge and experience of how children develop and learn, and we have chosen to follow the ethos of the Montessori approach to early years care and education because we firmly believe that it offers children the very best start in life.
We recognise that early childhood is the most important period of life; it is where our children discover both themselves and the world around them; it is where our children shape their future, and we begin to see the potential of the adults that they will become.
Our home rooms are set up to offer our children independent and wide access to activities and experiences that introduce new ideas as well as encouraging repetition and perfection of familiar concepts.
Our approach is “can do”! Through child initiated and teacher led learning our environments meet your child’s needs and challenge them to independently seek out and explore their world, firing their curiosities enabling them to be bright, bold, and well prepared for life and learning.